Weed Atlas
version 2.2
jvsystem.net (port:80)
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HERBA - Weed Atlas

The internet based Herba Atlas has been created and is being managed by the Department of Agroecology and Biometeorology at the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Science Prague. All photos are original and have been taken by the departmental staff who own all author rights. The aim of the project is to provide a generally available support tool for identification of weeds and acquiring knowledge on their most important properties. Herba is therefore intended for a wide range of users - universities, high school students, teachers, farmers, employees in the municipal sphere, gardeners, and many others. Works as a translation dictionary as well as explanatory dictionary. Herba is an open product, which is continuously being developed and expanded. We will welcome your suggestions leading towards the enlargement and improvement of its functions.

Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Josef Soukup (soukup@af.czu.cz)
Main administrator: Luděk Tyšer, PhD. (tyser@af.czu.cz)
Contributors: Pavel Hamouz, Ph.D.; Josef Holec, Ph.D.; Veronika Venclová and Tomáš Linhart
Software development, webmaster: Ing. Jiří Vohlídal, PhD. (info@jvsystem.net)

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[8] HEJNÝ, S. - SLAVÍK, B. [eds.] (1992): Květena České republiky. 3. Academia, Praha, 542s.
[9] HRON, F. - KOHOUT, V. (1988): Polní plevele - část speciální. Skriptum VŠZ Praha, MON, 145 s.
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[11] JEHLÍK, V. [ed.] (1998): Cizí expanzivní plevele České republiky a Slovenské republiky. Academia, Praha, 506 s.
[12] KOHOUT, V. (1997): Plevele polí a zahrad. Agrospoj, Praha, 235 s.
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[17] SLAVÍK, B. [ed.] (1997): Květena České republiky. 5. Academia, Praha, 568 s.
[18] SLAVÍK, B. [ed.] (2000): Květena České republiky. 6. Academia, Praha, 770 s.
[19] SLAVÍK, B. - ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, J. [eds.] (2004): Květena České republiky. 7. Academia, Praha, 767 s.
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